Creating Carnival

Through international study trips, conference events, extended programmes of artistic and business development, work experience for emerging artists, and partnership work with other organisations, the Creating Carnival model has been a huge part of connecting us with global network of diverse artists.

When Global Grooves began in 2003, we sought to bring together the many Carnival groups in the North West, and in Manchester in particular, to work collaboratively and signpost members to further training and development opportunities.

The Creating Carnival model was born.

Creating Carnival aims to produce a spectacular Carnival performance, later available for hire, but is developed by emerging artists, with support from established artists in their field. The emerging artists are appointed via a recruitment process and work with established artists to devise all elements of the production, including the direction of the performers. As such, Creating Carnival provides an invaluable, portfolio-enhancing opportunity for artists: devising, producing, leading and directing a brand new Carnival performance to be enjoyed by potentially thousands of people.

The Creating Carnival programme has so far comprised of:

  • Rochdale Feelgood Family Picnics 2024
  • Creating Carnival Manchester Day 2024
  • Creating Carniival Kendal Calling 2024
  • Cotton Carnival – 2023
  • Creating Carniival Kendal Calling – 2023
  • Creating Carnival ‘A Sharing of Gifts as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee – 2022
  • Creating Carnival Kartong – 2018
  • Creating Carnival Singapore and New Zealand– 2017
  • R&D in Trinidad for emerging artists and project management team – 2017
  • Creating Carnival Illuminated ‘Mossley Light Festival’ – 2016
  • Creating Carnival presents ‘The Tempest’ – 2016
  • Creating Carnival UK – 2014
  • Creating Carnival New Zealand, Singapore and Australia – 2014
  • Creating Carnival Trinidad – 2014
  • Creating Carnival New Zealand – 2013
  • Annual international relations visits to sponsor/partner in Brazil – 2004 to present

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