We are inviting filmmakers, video artists or anyone with video clips or even photos to contribute some material that you think is relevant, and become a named artist for this exhibition. We then intend to tour this installation to different galleries, exhibition venues and also public places including at carnival events.
The exhibition’s starting point is the powerful story of Chico Mendes, who was a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader and environmentalist committed to protecting the Amazon’s ecosystem. He had opposition from industrialists and corrupt government officials, was jailed, fined and threatened, and just over 25 years ago he was eventually murdered but has now become a national hero in Brazil.
There is so much around us to do with our environment, how we consume things, how people try and change things, and how big businesses get in the way. Chico’s story is universal, so the installation wants to show material from different people about other ways that these kinds of things happen in different parts of the world. We are especially interested in indigenous rights and issues for poorer communities. There are more details about how the project will work using creative digital art at www.metaceptive.net/chamada . The exhibition will be called “Chamada From Chico Mendes” (“Chamada” means “a call to all” in Portuguese).
Up to 6 filmmakers or video artists will be selected as ‘featured’ artists’ whose video clips will become a part of the installation, and who will receive a full credit for the collaboration. We do not have any preference or limitation on what kind of video or images that can be included. The artist, Kooj, wants to see what you suggest, which will help to drive the final work. There are also options for your original videos to be shown in a gallery video player or at a film screening event. The opening event on 15th November along with live music will be web-cast on the internet.
If you are interested, firstly just get in touch and let us know what you have got or what ideas you have, and tell us a little about what you do. Please get in touch using the very simple and quick online form at www.metaceptive.net/chamada-contact where there are more details about the project and what the installation will be like. Please contact us by 3rd October 2014 if possible.
Even if you are not aiming to be one of the ‘featured’ artists, we welcome any video clips, photos or other images from anybody who wants to support this project or who would like to publicise their carnival or environmental activity through art. All of the guest contributions will be properly credited, both in the gallery and also online.
This is a video art project that links carnival vibes with environmental campaigns, driven by participation by people and groups from different places. We really hope to hear from you!
A project by Metaceptive in partnership with Global Grooves.
Supported by the Arts Council England and Youth Music.