The face of the Co-op has changed over the years and how we shop and the things we buy are a bit differnent from the days of selling bags of flour from the front room of a house. But some things have stayed very much the same. The Co-op is still owned democratically by it’s members and membership still costs £1, entitling you to one vote to deceide the direction and operation of the business. And for every £1 you spend on Co-op products and services, 2p is given to local charites, who are again decided by you each year through a vote! So by shopping at the Co-op you’re making a difference to the local community, based on the very same principles that founded the Mossley shop way back in 1859. And not just that, the Co-op supports the Fairtrade agenda too, so you’re also making a positive impact on the global food chain by getting your groceries in our ‘one-stop shop’.

In keeping with these traditional vaues of equality and solidarity, Mossley is proud to be a FAIRTRADE TOWN. A status it has held for over 10 years, which is an amaing success! You might have noticed the signs on the boundry markers as you enter Mossley? This is all thanks to the dedication and hard work of a small group of people from our community who have fought tirelessly over the years to raise awareness of the Fairtrade movement and promote the values and products that ensure the farmers and workers producing our food have safer working conditions and fairer pay, while investing in climate friendly farming techniques and developing women in leadership.